星期四, 10月 13, 2011

《桃花庵歌》   唐伯虎

桃花塢裏桃花庵 桃花庵裏桃花仙 桃花仙人種桃樹 又摘桃花換酒錢

酒醒只在花前坐 酒醉還來花下眠 半醒半醉日復日 花落花開年復年

但願老死花酒間 不願鞠躬車馬前 車塵馬足貴者趣 酒盞花枝貧者緣

若將富貴比貧賤 一在平地一在天 若將貧賤比車馬 他得驅馳我得閑

別人笑我太瘋癲 我笑他人看不穿 不見五陵豪傑墓 無花無酒鋤作田

星期六, 10月 08, 2011

星期四, 10月 06, 2011

Google's Homepage Pays Tribute to Steve Jobs

延伸閱讀:Gates: ‘I Will Miss Steve Immensely’
延伸閱讀:Jobs family statement: He died peacefully

Apple Has Lost a Visionary Genius

Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being.  Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.


延伸閱讀:Apple - Remembering Steve Jobs